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Author Topic: Do men prefer lighter-skinned women?  (Read 17731 times)
Posts: 435

« on: July 13, 2009, 05:55:44 PM »

Do men prefer lighter-skinned women? DAILY NATION

Whether it’s through television commercials, billboards or local and international print and electronic media, the cosmetic industry is giving away their secret to making your skin look fairer, and hence “more beautiful”. Suddenly, every woman wants to be noticed, and the only way to achieve that is by bleaching their skin to look fairer.

There’s a common misconception in our society, and especially among women, that only light skin is beautiful. Regardless of the health risks involved, many women with darker skin tones are opting for skin lighteners to “improve” their skin colour.

Absurd as it may appear, most beautiful, dark-skinned women believe they would look better if they had a lighter complexion. For instance, many women will openly come clean that they have skin lighteners among their beauty products.

Although some of these women claim to use these products with the aim of removing skin blemishes, looking fairer is usually the hidden agenda.

Consequently, manufacturers of skin lightening products are making huge profits because light skin is the new in thing. It’s no wonder scores of Kenyan women are opting to have mixed-race babies because they want fair-skinned, “beautiful” kids!

I know it sounds outrageous, but you better believe it. So what’s this craze about looking fairer, and must one be fair to be attractive?

Here are some interesting findings…
Catherine* admits to using harsh skin-lighteners and declares she isn’t quitting any time soon. She says, “I use what is known as “mkorogo”, a combination of skin-lighteners that work effectively and very fast.

Just two weeks after using this product, my complexion changed and I looked completely different (meaning beautiful). Initially, I used to buy the cream from a woman who imported beauty products from Uganda, but now it is available locally.

Thanks to “mkorogo”, my self-esteem improved and I started feeling beautiful. I loved my new skin tone and was definitely getting more attention, especially from men. Even those who used to ignore me started talking to me. I even got involved with a white man who ended up marrying me.

I wouldn’t have achieved that if it were not for my new, glowing and light skin tone. It’s no secret that men love light-skinned women, and that’s why we go to great lengths to please them. Light skin sells, and I’m living proof…”

.... http://www.nation.co.ke/magazines/saturday/-/1216/622056/-/item/0/-/3lwmptz/-/index.html
Posts: 435

« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 06:06:01 PM »

hmm was reminded of this

http://www.africaspeaks.com/kenya/11082006.html  The Color divide
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 09:18:44 PM »

peace and hotep,


since Racism is the subjugation of people based on color

do not say that the "color" or non"color" of any person or thing is "beautiful" or "ugly".


"colors" are neither "beautiful", nor "ugly".

"colors" are.

"colors" EXISTS.

"colors", make their own statement by the fact of their existence.

"colors", and/or non"colors" need not to be praised, nor CONDEMNED.

"color" --- or the absence of "color" -- need only be recognized.

remarks about color should be made to describe color, and/or to describe the way that color is used, or reacted to. there are no "correct" colors.

color, or the absence of color, can, however, be USED for INCORRECT purposes.

"color", or the absence of color (in people) is, most of the time, used as an excuse to treat people unjustly. a person's re-action to color, or the absence of color, may result in much speech and/or action against him or her self, and/or against other persons, against animals, things, etc.

speech and/or action against a person, animal, etc., because of "color" and/or the absence of "color" is unjust and incorrect.

Racism, has done more to promote non-justice, than any other socio-material system known to have been produced, or supported, by the people of the known universe.

No major problem, that exists between the people of the known universe, can be eliminated until Racism is eliminated.

The fear, frustration, malice, and confusion, that is caused by Racism, retards or prevents all constructive activity between the people of the known universe.

The only form of functional Racism that exists among the people of the known universe is “White Supremacy”.

The people who have the ability to eliminate Racism do not have the will to do so, and, the people who have the will to do so, do not have the ability.

Regardless of all that has been said or done, the quality of the relationship(s) between white people and black people is, and has been, a total disaster.

Justice is better than Racism.

As long as Racism exists, anything said, or done, by people, that is not intended to help eliminate Racism, and to help produce justice, is a waste of time/energy.

Each and every Victim of Racism should minimize the time and effort spent doing anything other than, thinking, speaking, and acting, in a manner that helps to eliminate Racism, and helps to establish justice. Each and every person should seek to do this, every day, in every area of activity, including, Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

Man  =

(1)   Any male person, classified as “white”, who is also treated as “white” in any socio-material system, or situation, that is directly, or indirectly, dominated by White Supremacy (Racism).

(2)   Any male person, classified as “non-white” who is not directly, or indirectly dominated by, and/or subjected to White Supremacy.

Woman =

(1)   Any female person who is classified as “white”, who is generally “accepted” as “white”, and who generally functions as a “white” person in her relationships with other persons.


In a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacy (racism), no female person who is not classified and accepted as “White” is allowed to function as a woman.

Under this condition, only “white” females are allowed to function as women, and only “white” males are allowed to function as men. Since White Supremacists (Racists) do not relate to non-white people as men and women, but as racial subjects and possessions, non-white males and females may pretend to be “men” and “women”, but they are not allowed to function as men and women.

While subject to White Supremacy, non-white persons can only function as male or female subject persons --- not men, and not women].  

(2)   Any female person classified as “non-white”, who is not directly, or indirectly, dominated by, and/or subjected to, White Supremacy (Racism).  

Man’s Child, and/or Woman’s Child =

Any male or female person classified as “black” or “non-white”, and who generally functions in direct or indirect support of White Supremacy (Racism).

Master Child Abuser =

A White Supremacist (Racist).


In a world social and material system dominated by White Supremacy (Racism), all non-white people, in order to survive, must function in a manner that is comparatively “child-like”. They are forced to speak and act in a manner that is both childish, and subordinate, all of the time, in all areas of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

Since White Supremacy is the dominant form of non-justice in the known universe, those white persons who practice White Supremacy are the Greatest and most Masterful abusers of “children” in the known universe.

Therefore, any person who practices White Supremacy is a Master Child Abuser.

Posts: 82

« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2009, 11:26:28 AM »

With regards to the human body of Africans their will only be positive reasons for the existence of physical traits because you are of original existence. Therefore nature or God must provide you with traits to enhance your existence as a life force as you African gave birth to all the races. Now know that the gases that are breathed in through the nose are filtered for purity (unlike the mouth). Africans need more oxygen intake when dealing with biological development of adjustment (more than any other race) because extra gases are needed from nature to assist the melanin within the biological system. This is especially important through a woman’s pregnancy. More genetic information is needed in an African (darker skinned) women through pregnancy to upgrade the child’s biological reaction to the suns rays. The basic template is Albinoism (the lack of melanin) similar to Caucasians though they generally have even less genetic information governing their skin. The lack of genetic information forces tissues to mutate leading to cancer. For darker skin more information is needed to be stored within the oxygen and hydrogen and water within the human body which interacts with the DNA /RNA profiles. Different brain signals are needed for darker skinned races when dealing with an issue such as the skin’s reaction to the sun. The Africans indigenous broader nose by nature was designed to take in more etheric information (within oxygen) making the purifying of melanin and the general movement of oxygen more accessible in the body. People with broader noses in a lifetime take in hundreds of tons of more oxygen and water than those of thin noses. It is specifically people with darker skin that need more oxygen because their genetics require additional information to protect them from certain natural diseases like skin cancer or other skin related illnesses. They always tell the masses that you are what you eat but they always forget to tell you that you are also what you breath and drink. The broader nose was given to you by nature / god to help you survive sun cycles (which we have just entered now).
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2009, 10:30:30 PM »

On issue of M.J.'s complexion and plastic surgery......Pepsi exploded his head in a ball of fire and he was badly scarred .  through series of operations, mind altering drugs prescribed to him for pain and power of suggestion, he became cosmetically and psychologically strange to some.  His whiteness may have been due to drug reactions, not some sort of intentional thing.  One pain killer, doriden (spell?), commonly used and abused in the sixties and seventies, had side effect of turning african americans into albinos.  strange indeed. MJ was considering converting to islam via his brother. Muslims I talked to did not seem to know about the pepsi fireball head incident as source of his cosmetic situation.  cosmetic surgery is often a series of neverending failures where the victim/patient must justify the expense, thus refusing to accept the ultimate disaster of the "suk" medical profession, especially abhorent in Los Angeles , CA.  N8
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