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Author Topic: Are the Chinese racist?  (Read 13846 times)
AS Reasoning
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 71

« on: November 02, 2009, 09:59:36 PM »

RIGHT: Lou Jing with her mother

Are the Chinese racist?

By Tim Collard  

Yesterday The Observer reported an alarming row over a TV talent contest in Shanghai. One of the leading contestants, a 20-year-old girl named Lou Jing (pronounced Low not Loo), has attracted enormous opprobrium from all over the country. Some of the comments in the Chinese blogosphere are almost unbelievable. Sounds familiar, you might think. But the only allegation levelled at her is that she has dared to appear on television while being of mixed race, her father being a black African who was not married to her mother.

For a start, Lou Jing is extremely lucky to be alive. I thought I’d seen it all in China, but I’ve never seen an African/Chinese mixed race person there. You don’t actually meet all that many people born out of wedlock at all. This is not, as the prissy blogosphere would have it, because of the superior virtue of Chinese maidens. It is because illegitimacy is so socially unacceptable that (at a guess) 99 per cent of such pregnancies are terminated. If the mother suspected that the pregnancy had resulted from an affair with a black man, I would have said until today that that figure was 100 per cent. And this 20 years ago! Lou Jing’s mother is one extremely brave woman.
Full Article : telegraph.co.uk

A short clip of Lou Jing:
Lou Jing on Go! Oriental Girl

China's black pop idol exposes her nation's racism

By Stephen Vines

She is attractive, effervescent and has an appealing voice. But these qualities alone would not have made Lou Jing the most famous television talent show contestant in China and the subject of national debate in the world's most populous country. The reason they are talking about Lou is because she is black.

The 20-year-old daughter of a Chinese mother and an African-American father who left the country before she was born, Lou was a highly unusual entrant to Shanghai-based Dragon TV's Go Oriental Angel. Her appearances – she became one of five finalists – have provoked a storm of abuse on the internet, a rare debate on racism in the media, and a bout of self-examination in a country where skin colour is a notoriously sensitive subject.

Dragon TV initially had doubts about allowing Lou to perform, but then realised that her presence would do much to attract publicity for the show. But few executives can have expected the fury contained in many of the blogs and online posts that accompanied her performances. The internet is the only place in China where the public can express views with near-freedom – although they are rapidly cut off by an army of state censors if they stray into territory that attracts official disapproval. The huge online interest in Lou clearly does not fall into this category.
Full Article : guardian.co.uk

More Articles:

Shanghai ‘Black Girl’ Lou Jing Abused By Racist Netizens

Interview with Shanghai Black Girl Lou Jing
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 02:23:03 PM »

the subject title implies a monolithic attribute (racism) to over a billion people who call themselves chinese, based on one example of a television show.  Are "THE" Chinese "racist"? suggests  monolithic racism attributed to Chinese by propagandists who seek to simplify and create a monstrous uniformity creating fear directed at an "indespenable enemy".  Using the article "the" in this context is tricky, one simple adjustment to a phrase can mean a whole lot.

 Indeed, we must have AFrican American youth who are ready and willing to join the military hate chinese people so that they will be sufficiently prepared for the next war.  In terms of anti-black racism, probably better to focus on Hollywood's more insidious formulaes, where black actors are used to denigrate themselves and their own people!  (a contributor to this site laid out some expamples on a recent post).

Still, the concern over the reaction to the show is a valid subject, but have African people en masse not suffered from the same type of mass character assasination based on selective contexts?  N8
Junior Member
Posts: 101

« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 05:52:44 AM »

Greets family,

Still, the concern over the reaction to the show is a valid subject, but have African people en masse not suffered from the same type of mass character assasination based on selective contexts?  N8

Yep, it is unfortunate.

I personally think this is valid and vital question posted by N8. I mean, everytime, someone other than a black person, people seem to take a stand. How about black people who suffer racism from all races, especially the black race itself? I'm talking about those black kids who experience racism from blacks, bcoz they are a "mixed breed"? Or simply bcoz they are light-skinned, as some people would say, they aren't "BLACK ENUFF". There's the issue of colourism, which i can say to a point, affects her as well.

We need to be consistent in our cause. Let's not have preferences, simply bcoz of geographical reasons. On some or other level, everybody is anti-black and this is a GLOBAL ISSUE.

Peace to all
AfricaSpeaks Member
Posts: 278


« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, 09:58:07 PM »

peace and hotep,

are Chinese bigoted?  yes.
are Chinese prejudiced?  yes.
do Chinese discriminate?  yes.
are Chinese racist?  no....

there 3 types of people in the known universe:

1. white people
2. non-white people
3. white supremacists (racist)

how many 'chinese' and/or asian people are classified as white by White Supremacist Racist?

a Racist is a white person who practices racism.


(1) The scientific practice of unjust subjugation, misuse, and/or abuse of person classified as \"non-white\", by persons classified as \"white\", on the basis of color or non-color, and/or, on the basis of factors \"associated with\" color or non-color.

(2) White Supremacy.

White Supremacy:

(1) The direct or indirect subjugation of all “non-white” people by white people, for the basic purpose of “pleasing” and/or serving any or all “white” persons, at all times, in all places, in all areas of people activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

(2) The only functional Racism, in existence, among the people of the known universe, that is based on “color” and/or “anti-color” in the physical make-up or physical appearance of persons.

(3) Racism “for the sake of” Racism.

The Yellow Race:  

Non-White people who practice Black Supremacy.

Black Supremacy:  

A SYSTEM that functions in all areas of people activity including, Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War where the white people of the known universe are subject to the non-white people of the known universe and the non-white people mistreat the white people on the basis of non-color and the white people haven't figured out what to do about it to the point of being able to prove they have figured out what to do about it.

Black Supremacy cannot exist in a SYSTEM of White Supremacy. You can't have two "groups" of people in the supreme position in the same universe at the same time and currently White Supremacy is not a concept because it exists.

The Human Race:  

A poor choice of words and should never be used.


All people that are human make up a group of people known only as Universal People. The group of people known only as Universal People is the sum total of all people in the known universe, acting as individual people, who have produced justice in all areas of people activity including, but not limited to, Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War and are in the process of producing justice in all places and at all times.

[NOTE: The group of people known only as Universal People cannot exist as long as Racism (White Supremacy) exists.]


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