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Author Topic: While coke kingpins hobnob with the gov't,young mums get 6 years for a lil herb  (Read 9441 times)
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Posts: 417


« on: August 08, 2010, 04:22:12 PM »

***You have to know Guyana to really know the extent of the blatancy of these kind of injustice... where known cocaine kingpins flaunt their wealth in the most crass of ways (you should see some of the houses)... where *the* top cocaine boy at the time, Roger Khan - Guyana's "Dudus", minus the philanthropic aspect - was in charge of a racist death squad that used mercenary ex-police and other psychopathic thugs to kill (and sometimes mutilate) hundreds of their fellow black people under the guise of "fighting crime"... where the presidential spokesperson has been recorded on tape soliciting sex from one of his 14-year old consituents, 14-year old kids get their penises set on fire for being "suspects" (never charged) when a gov't minister gets killed, 15-year old kids get shot in the back and left to bleed to death by police for smoking a joint... well, speaking of joints: it's perfectly OK to be a big time coke dealer and murderer, but don't be a young mum trying to help make ends meet with a little (and I mean little) ganja hustling... that'll be 6 years for yo po black a$$. Two waiting for the trial and then a next four when they sentence you:

Young mother to serve four years for ganja trafficking
By Stabroek staff | August 7, 2010 in Local News Sojo Nedd, 24, of Queenstown, Georgetown, was sentenced to four years imprisonment after she was found guilty of  narcotics trafficking yesterday.

Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo imposed a monetary fine of $320,000—four times the value of the 400 grammes of cannabis sativa which Nedd had in her possession on January 24, 2008.

The mother of four was in a Zone 63A motor minibus, BJJ4755, which was stopped at a police road block in the vicinity of New Amsterdam Technical Institute.

The passenger identified her bag to the sleuths while relating that it contained marijuana. She reportedly called it a “little hustle.”

She pleaded for a chance but was arrested and taken to Central Police Station where charges were instituted
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