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The right character - Personality
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Topic: The right character - Personality (Read 16674 times)
Posts: 29
RastafariSpeaks .com
The right character - Personality
September 21, 2003, 02:15:29 PM »
As InI look to the most high for inspiration to all our daily problems, many refuse to acknowledge that InI need to work within and unravel that which is within.
Personality is not false but real; it is the shining through of the Real Self,--the man Jah made.
Please enjoy .
Give Thanks.
It goes without saying that all people desire a dynamic, radiant personality; and it is self-evident that certain palates are essential to produce this result. The external personality really reflects the soul, and its building may be likened to a mental garden where the harvest depends upon the kind of seed that is sown. Each one chooses for himself just what kind of materials he will use and each builds according to the pattern of his own desires. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Just as a fine architect uses only the best materials and plans most carefully how to construct his building, so should we, in the building of personality, choose most carefully the kind of materials we wish to use.
High Character.--First of all, it should be founded upon the rock of high character, high ideals, and built for Eternity as well as for to-day.
Sincerity.--Sincerity in every human relationship is essential.
Ability.--To be a master of one thing and to daily improve.
Enthusiasm.--A keen interest in people and things at home and abroad; it has been called "The Fortune-Teller of Life." Enthusiasm is compelling and sweeps everything before it.
Service.--Service is the keynote to success and implies constructive work; also, loyalty to your work and to all concerned in it.
Wholesomeness.--A clean-minded man with high ideals is always sought after.
Success.--A consciousness of success must be developed; this can be done by creating clear pictures of success and working toward them daily. Decision and assertion are aids to this end and must not be overlooked.
Self-Confidence.--Implies peace and poise and knowing what to do in every situation.
Power and Strength.--Are also born of peace and poise.
Sense of Humor.--This is most necessary to have, as it lightens the burdens of life and makes one's self and others happy. Without it things seem dull and drear.
This has no barb or sting and implies the ability to laugh at one's own expense.
Good Manners.--Not servile but courteous.
Tact.--Saying or doing the right thing at the right time.
Thoroughness.--Implies system and the ability to carry things out to a definite conclusion. This quality is essential to success.
Charm.--Personal charm is that indefinable something which makes every one a friend. It is the result of genuine friendliness, sympathy, kindliness and unselfish interest in others.
Magnetism.--The result of an abundant vitality on the physical plane; of intellect and temperament on the mental plane; and of atmosphere or consciousness on the Spiritual plane.
Tenderness.--Sympathetic union with people; real compassion.
Love.--The Universal Urge to express, the Self-givingness of Spirit.
Originality.--Try to create; do not imitate; think for yourself.
Incentive.--Have wholesome ambitions and definite objectives which are constructive in their nature. Any ambition is wholesome which brings only good results to one's self and all concerned.
Suitable Humility, Simplicity and Genuineness.--These attributes keep one from being over-ambitious and from being too aggressive.
Emotional Control.--Presupposes poise and self-mastery.
Spirituality.--Looking for the good in all and having faith, belief, and trust.
Health.--Is a great factor in creating a dynamic, vibrant personality.
Voice.--A clear, resonant, well-modulated tone at all times.
Dress.--Clothes reflect one's idea of "The Eternal fitness of things." Colors particularly have a peculiarly subtle effect on the wearer and upon those with whom he comes in contact.
Strictly speaking, personality is the use that we make of our individuality. Individuality means that which we really are; it means the point in Life where we exist and can say, I AM. Perhaps it could be defined as a point in Mind where Life recognizes Itself as some Person. Each person is an Individualized Center of God-Consciousness, a self-knowing center of Life and Action.
It follows, then, that personality is much greater than it seems to be; for it is the use of Divine Individuality and has, back of it, a limitless possibility. It is the coming forth of Jah, or Life, into Self-Expression.
Man's personality is not a thing to be lightly spoken of or decried as human or ineffective. Within and behind it are boundless possibilities, and few, indeed, realize what a tremendous power it wields, either for good or for ill.
To-day we are hearing much about this power and the way to develop it; for as yet we express only in part, being unaware of the Whole. Latent forces surge to express through man; Divine impulse seek expression through him; a Cosmic Urge forever beats against the threshold of his consciousness, demanding expression; hence, all his subtle longings and unspoken thoughts.
To develop or express the self is the great need of the human race; but though feeling, sensing, inwardly knowing and realizing a greater good, man stumbles blindly along the pathway of life, expressing only in part.
Like all the other faculties of the Great Within, personality may be consciously unfolded and expressed, if we let it come through.
We all desire a powerful personality, and all may have one if they pay attention to a few fundamental facts of Being; for personality is the expression of something that already exists and simply needs to be allowed to come forth.
Any one wishing to develop a pleasing personality must first become pleasant. He must think pleasing thoughts. All animosity and vindictiveness must be swept aside if the soul is to express itself in terms of greatness.
There is no place for smallness in the full life and no place for meanness in the liberal mind. A broad-minded, tolerant attitude must be maintained toward all. This is not a goody-goody idea but a plain statement of fact.
A sense of calm and peace is essential to a well-rounded personality. The din and roar of the outer struggle for existence must not find entrance to the soul if Reality is to be expressed.
Poise and balance are the mainsprings of reality and cannot be overlooked. We are not attracted to people who are always fussed up and fretful, who are never satisfied and are always unhappy. Misery and unhappiness are unknown to the Spirit of man, and we should make them unknown to the outer man.
Sensitiveness and morbidity must be swept side as unworthy of the great Ideal. Refuse to have the feelings hurt. Friends do not wish to hurt the feelings of those whom they love, and none but friends need be admitted.
Personality is but half expressed until we realize that within we are complete. Wholeness is the keynote to perfection and self-esteem is not egotism but is self-realization. Completion is from within and not from without; and no one can add to, or take from, that which is already complete. The Soul and Spirit are already perfect and whole.
Love is the great loadstone of Life; and without this quality of Spirit, shining through Life's action, everything becomes dull and drear. Goodness and human kindness are the handmaids of Love and Life, and cannot be separated from Reality.
Irritation, vexation and confusion go hand in hand to rob man of his birthright to peace, comfort and harmony. As children of the dust they must be brushed aside as unfit companions of the soul.
Anger and malice, revenge and animosity cannot breathe the same atmosphere as goodness and purity, and they will fall away as we climb to those heights where the Indwelling Spirit lives.
Self-confidence and courage go hand in hand with real worth and are but the declarations of man's Wholeness. There is nothing petty or little about greatness.
Mental alertness and animation but signify that man lives in a life of everlasting interests and activities.
Honesty and sincerity show forth the fundamental principles of Being, and without them man expresses only a make-shift
of himself, a false and deluded sense of Reality. No real person can be dishonest or insincere. Truth alone shines to Eternal Day.
The complete, well-rounded, dynamic personality contains all of these qualities and attributes; and they will come forth into expression to the exact degree that we allow them to flow through us.
Personality is not false but real; it is the shining through of the Real Self,--the man Jah made.
Physical appearance has but little to do with those inner, subtle powers of attraction which decide what the Indwelling Ego is to attract to Itself. The Inner Man transcends all that is external and compels attention without effort. To be conscious of this Inner Self is to know the Real Man, to know the truth about personality and the power of attraction.
Ras Benjamine
Only when InI bestirs ourself can we advance spiritually.
The man who uses ready made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches,while ignoring his own healthy limbs
Senior Member
Posts: 610
Re: The right character - Personality
Reply #1 on:
September 22, 2003, 08:38:39 AM »
I read your article again more carefully and there are some things in it that don't sit quite right, on second thought-
'Personality' is what ones project to the outside world, and most often it is false. If we want to be 'pleasing' to others that is a big problem we have. If our aim is the affection and approval of others, then we are lacking in courage.
I also don't think that the cultivation of a 'good personality' is the end result of self-examination. Many many whom the world does not love are those JAH loves in a special way.
True self-confidence means to me that we are confident to be our authentic selves, no matter how the outside world responds.
'Good manners', 'tact', 'charm', and 'magnetism' sound like the qualities of a politician, not of an authentic human being. Courage counts for more than all.
I know I myself very early developed a 'charming personality' to defend against the pain of insecurity I felt, and the unkindness of others. I feel much better now that I can walk as myself, say what I feel I must say no matter what the world thinks. The world is a place of ignorance.
'Success' in the world can be bondage in the realm of Essence.
In the walk of development, ones comes across many thoughts that are not 'pleasant', and we must be courageous to engage unpleasant truths about our conditioned behavior that so often arise out of a need to please others and be accepted in the world. We often put up the smokescreen of 'personality' to defend against difficult and unpleasant truths.
In my own life, my 'sensitiveness', my 'moribundity', my unhappiness and sense of dissatisfaction are what kept me striving for truth and freedom. Pain calls for its cure, and an honest person does not deny those feelings by putting on a happy face, or by gathering people around them who never hurt their feelings.
I think that a sense of dissatisfaction is primary in keeping one searching and striving to be their true whole selves.
My best friends always tell me the truth. And they know that I am much much more than my 'feelings.'
As I continue on my trod, I realize that most of the qualities that people consider make a 'good personality' are indeed very false. If we truly embrace our magnitude, we realize that most of our personality traits which we thought were so strong and that we got so much strokes for in the world have actually taken us further from, and not closer to, a recognition of out true magnitude.
In this world, the ones who come with a charming smile and a nice outfit are often the ones who come with a knife to stab you in the back.
Junior Member
Posts: 262
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: The right character - Personality
Reply #2 on:
September 22, 2003, 12:17:42 PM »
Really dug this post Ras, got to give thanks for sharing this wisdom
i believe that there is an inner man inside working his way out.
in the context of your information, this inner man is the personality, unique and individual, real and great.
its Jah man, and i would day that if Jah has a plan its no doubt Jah plan to get all of us inner men out, alive, well and kicking ass
thanks again for the wisdom Benjamine. It right in tune with where i'm at. Getting the inner manhood and true self to the forefront.
African justice - white redemption
Posts: 29
RastafariSpeaks .com
Re: The right character - Personality
Reply #3 on:
September 22, 2003, 01:46:32 PM »
To Rootsie,
Greetings Sister,
I read your comments and criticism of my earlier post regarding "the right character". I believe you have taken my message as a quick fix, possibly as a cosmetic change in ones character.
This messgae was intended as a reminder of what a balance person should be in harmonising emotions. Many a times when InI conversate with certain Rases -ones come to realize that enuff of InI bredrin don't even try to develop their character.Most of these individuals and i refer to even some who i grew upwith are prone to emotional outbusrt. Certain people cannot even articultae themselves.Whilst trying to reason with some people seems almost impossible due to alot of emotional repression and ignorance whichmany of us seem to live in.
The developing of character in my article is nothing wrong.
Being a street kid myself i have come to witness many benefits gained from meditating and looking introspectively at my conditions and predicament and devising ways to make things better in my live as well as others.
It is imperative that we become responsible for our actions and in seeking to improve self we cut out vices which we serve us no good.
The above post was intended as a guide to many who do have the spiritual understanding that you and many others have. The development of self can only come within and heaven which most look up to for help is really inside of InI. The refinement of character is how many can come to identify how one's spirit and soul . As mass confusion abounds as to the duality of nature, life, Universe and God many rasta's who i encounter on a regular basis in my daily trod still fail to realise that this world is ONE. Every thing is ONEness. As many people fight and fuss over who is black and white and all. The greater realization to life is that we are all ONE.
Every soul is on the pathway of experience, or what i call self-discoveryand we all return back to the source whence we came ultimately. It is therefore important that we become responsible for our actions . The will to choose to be pleasant, and develop all the qualities which are right in developing and nourishing the soul and spirit is important.
This post is not a quick fix to those who are on the road to deception or are seeking to acquire favour from others.OTHER manipulative ways to which the devil, cunning mind is prone.Rather this post intends to awaken within all that is good and simple. And requires that one exerts themselves spiritually.And become both spiritually and mentally strong. To take on the challenges that we encounter daily as black individuals in these racist society. Refining oneself, developing ones character, self-discipline and learning good manners is surely the pathway that i encourage inmyself and those close tomyself. Particularly within the black community here in Europe and i dare say worldwide!
This post is far from encouraging vanity but encouraging a true and realistic spirit in all of us. The last thing i will be advocating is a quick fix solution to what InI go through in this live. The law in creation is simple and very natural and indeed without confusion, as we all came into creation through this simple laws.
I suggest you read the post again and pick out the sentences that you have a problem with then i can may be overderstand your point and we can truly reason.
Give thanks still
Only when InI bestirs ourself can we advance spiritually.
The man who uses ready made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches,while ignoring his own healthy limbs
Senior Member
Posts: 610
Re: The right character - Personality
Reply #4 on:
September 22, 2003, 07:32:46 PM »
I'm sorry I didn't cite the exact quotes, but I did go from top to bottom and quoted words you used and added my thoughts. I don't want to be disrespectful or picky. It's not the 'quick fix' idea I was getting at so much as the true self vs. outside world issues. 'Personality' is the persona we show to the world. I guess it's in part because I'm a grandma now that I don't really concern myself much with whether I have a pleasing personality in the eyes of the world. That's really all I was getting at.
Posts: 37
Re: The right character - Personality
Reply #5 on:
March 01, 2005, 11:59:37 PM »
Insightful original post. A good reminder to those of us who are trying to trodd the "straight and narrow" road to righteousness and selfactualization.
All Lion & King -- walk tall, stand firm
All Lioness & Empress -- be sweet in spirit, humble, gentle and wise
All -- know thyself and your divine position in creation.
Misgana always & YAH Bless
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