In this section we offer some of the Ewe (herbs) assosiated with Eleggua, and a cleansing for the home. The names of some of this ewe are in spanish or Lucumi, and we have included the botanical name of some of them; when searching for these at the local Botanica, you should ask for it by the spanish or Lucumi name. The information we provide here is an introduction only, and you should always consult a Babalawo or Iyalocha on the proper way to use them. [list=1]
There are other ewe that belong to Eleggua, including the ones used for his omiero, a concoction used in "asientos" and major cleansings he is part of. The ewe used in this omiero are: grama de caballo, lengua de vaca, espartillo, abre-camino, pastillo, yerba fina, yerba hedionda, itamo real, meloncillo, and yamao. The following is a cleansing for the home, performed with the guidence and assistence of Eleggua. It is very efficent at elimanating negative energies and evil spirits; it's recommended when moving in to a new place, or as a periodical cleansing. Through spiritual dicsipline, along with Esu, one learns to sense when, and what type of a cleansing is needed. There are many types of cleansings that work with different Orisa; we offer this one of many , hoping some of our readers will benefit from this knowledge and Elegguas ashe. For this cleansing you will need a coconut (at least two), efun or cascarilla, ammonia, a brown paper bag, inscense, and some food for Esu. It begins with a prayer to Eleggua and meditation.Make a cross on the coconut with the efun, and present the coconut to your Esu. Light some inscense, give Eleggua some epo, and get him going by spraying the usual oti (rum or gin) and guinea pepper, and blowing some gigar smoke on Esu. Ask your Eleggua to aid you in cleansing the home with the obi (coconut). Then sweep every part of the house, sweeping from the back towards the front door, and toss the waste in the paper bag. All the while praising, or singing to Eleggua; asking him for guidence. After sweeping you can wash the floor with ammonia and water; make sure it's dry before the next step. Take the obi (coconut) you prepared and roll it from back to front, throughout the whole house; it is very important to pray to Esu and ask for his help as you roll the obi. Once your done, put some food for Eleggua in the bag with the waste, and take it and the obi outside. Go to a crossroad and smash the obi against the curb; if it breaks all is ok, but if not you have to take another obi, mark it, and repeat the rolling again. If the second obi doesn't break, then you need to consult a babalawo or Iyalocha to find out what else is needed. After the obi breaks, take the paper bag with the waste and food, and leave at a dumpster for Eleggua. Once your done I recomend cleansing yourself with the smoke of "zahumerio" (a type of inscence), or sage; you can also take a bath with ewe (herbs) like Alcanfor Cinnamommum Camphora, or a blend of Almacigo Elaphrium Simuraba, Cuaba Amyris Balsamifera, Aguedita Picramnia pentandra, and Yagrumo Ceropia peltata. The best way to learn about the cleansings that are part of the spiritual evolution is through a teacher; Babalawos or Iyalochas get familar with our energy, and teach us how to discover the needs of our ashe, and what works with it best. I found these items on a wonderful website http://www.manigua.org/ apparanently they use traditional religion and natural medicine in their community service work. absolutely beautiful! |