Title: 'French killed 50 in Abidjan' alleges adviser Post by: Ayinde on November 11, 2004, 02:52:10 PM PARIS, Nov 10 (AFP) - An adviser to Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo said Wednesday that French troops have killed 50 people and wounded more than 600 in clashes since the weekend.
"The massacre of civilians by French soldiers amounts to 50 dead of whom 10 were killed yesterday alone," Alain Toussaint told Europe 1 radio. "Abidjan is in a state of war thanks to the French army which has stepped up killings of the civilian population, including a young woman who was decapitated yesterday by French bullets," he said. Toussaint said he based his figures on information from the Red Cross and other organisations. On Tuesday evening an Ivorian hospital doctor said seven people were killed when French troops fired warning shots at a crowd. A wave of anti-French demonstrations has hit Ivory Coast since French planes destroyed the Ivorian airforce in retaliation for the killing of nine peace-keepers at the weekend. www.expatica.com (http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=58&story_id=13782&name='French+killed+50+in+Abidjan'+alleges+adviser) |