Title: Police anger at 'racist' comments Post by: Tyehimba on March 07, 2005, 11:56:10 AM Police anger at 'racist' comments
Mr Phillips said his comments had been misunderstood Police chiefs have criticised a leading race campaigner for comments they say stereotype officers as racist. One police body called for the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality to resign and another asked for his remarks in the Times to be "clarified". CRE head Trevor Phillips said some people might think racism a "disease of...football hooligans, British National Party supporters, policemen". He has said he was criticising those who wrongly brand policemen racist. In the article, Mr Phillips said: "Most liberal-minded folk would like to think that since they are not hostile to people of a different race, racism is a disease of the uneducated, unenlightened and socially backward - football hooligans, British National Party supporters, policemen." We have no confidence in Mr Phillips remaining as chairman of the CRE - we call on him to stand down Rick Naylor, Police Superintendents' Association The Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) have said the comments were particularly inappropriate because the CRE is investigating racism in the police service. PSA President Rick Naylor said: "To stereotype police officers in this way reveals what Mr Phillips expects his investigation to conclude. "We have no confidence in Mr Phillips remaining as chairman of the CRE. "We call on him to stand down." Full Article @ BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3966727.stm) |