Title: His - Story (A man, the past and his conscience) Post by: helena on January 30, 2006, 10:52:49 AM Wrote this one with the West in mind, how it has White-washed the past and re-written history to suit its monetary and political agenda. Thus, never looking to give retribution to so called 3rd World countries. But as with all things, ignore the conscience and what is right, greater horrors will come to visit, the testament to this is the state of hell that now is so prevalent, mentally, physically and spiritually.
His - Story (A man, the past and his concience) Don't be a fool, said the scribe to a ghoul, as he penned down his-story. This is how you keep power, it's not a story of a maid in a tower, but the re-writing of his-story. What is my excuse? I will be poor if I desire truce!! So I simply change his-story. I cannot allow my war to end, with gold in plenty I now can too lend, and with profit I scoff at his-story. What the scribe didn't know, while he sat by the lamp glow, was that the ghoul was no fool behind the door. Suddenly he wondered was it just his imagination, or were ghouls really part of creation, as he now searched under the table, bed and floor. He shouted 'be gone for this is plain nonsense!! A long time ago I left my conscience!!' As the ghoul chuckled even more. And the truth of the matter was this: he wrote everything, but gave Redemption a miss, as he couldn't admit to his-story. Title: Re: His - Story (A man, the past and his conscience) Post by: jahtiger on January 30, 2006, 03:27:30 PM Great poem, keep the spirit up.
Jah bless and give you wisdom Title: Re: His - Story (A man, the past and his conscience) Post by: Yesayah on January 31, 2006, 12:13:16 PM Good work!
Poetry is like drinking cool spring water A cup of it is never enough Title: Re: His - Story (A man, the past and his conscience) Post by: helena on February 02, 2006, 02:53:45 AM Give thanx for the posts, it is always nice to hear.
Jah Bless, Guide and Protect |