Title: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: Eja on March 06, 2006, 05:02:40 PM Africa would be a great place
Were it not for those ugly Black bastards Think about it The sun The air That vibrant green Whose breath you feel On every inch Of your being The sky so low You can reach up And scoop a handfull of cloud I tell you Africa would be paradise If it were'nt for those Big lipped Flat nosed Ugly Black bastards Let us say a prayer Like our father abraham Let us sing a psalm Like our father david Let us beg our fire god To burn away those living weeds In our garden of eden We have tried talking to them But we cannot understand a word they say They nod and nod when we speak As if they know what we're saying But when they open those ugly mouths You cannot see a word they say All you see Is lips Would'nt it be wonderful If we were to wake up tommorrow To find them all gone Then we could be Africans In the way Africans Were meant to be No more paganism No more tribalism Just one people One mind Under the star Of our curly haired father One beautiful race Nosed like an eagle's beak Deliciously skinned Like coffee with lots of milk and sugar No more gibberish Superstition and sacrifices Just straight foward prayer In holy languages spawned from the loins of abraham What a wonderful dream Of a day when We shall see Africa Without Africans Then we can exchange African stories Without having to listen to gibberish We can look to the future Without any intrusive reminders Of the ugly Black, blue Black Blacker blue We're tired of listening To you singing the blues Bessie You too black And you remind us Of what we'll like to leave behind We want more Beyonce Plenty bouncy Beyonce Hair flowing like a river From the highlands Of our Ethiopia Skin as delicious As a cup of coffee With lots of milk And honey Light honey that is And if theres no light honey I'll have sugar White sugar that is Got enough Black in me As it is What a day Africa with no Africans ahhhhhhh..... Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: mwanaafrika on March 11, 2006, 08:44:26 AM knock knock there !
I ain't a poet but this poem is a bit confusing. Would u pls make it clear wat u tryin 2 say or wat u mean. WORDS FROM YA POEM: "Were it not for those ugly Black bastards, Africa would be paradise If it were'nt for those Big lipped Flat nosed Ugly Black bastards What a wonderful dream Of a day when We shall see Africa Without Africans" Afrikans will always be in Afrika, there will be no Afrika without Afrikans. Its a fact that the enemy has been trying wipe us out from slavery thru colonialism to todays neocolonialism. Hate it or love it, Afrika is for Afrikans and we rite here, we ain't going any where. I wish the great Markas Garvei was alive to spread the his phylosophy, nethertheless hes here with us in spirit and we will continue his work. The Arabs in north Afrika are even lucky to be in Afro land today. Such poems aint good as they could be used against us by the enemy. So if u really is Afrikan, my friendly advice to u is that: try by all means to think about how easily, the enemy who is every where and on this site, can and will use such words against our race. And if u can't just don't write them. More over, if u aint Afrikan u better watch ya back. keep it Afrikan. BAFRIKA, IFWE FWEBANTU BENE BENE, BONSE ABA ABASHALA BAKUPANGA. keep it Afrikan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mwanaafrika. Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: natural blacks on March 11, 2006, 09:41:45 AM i believe it's supposed to be sarcastic...u know....from a white point of view. i loved that poem
Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: mwanaafrika on March 11, 2006, 10:34:23 AM Natural Blacks, man. Would u plz help a brother out here by explaining whats so good about this poem. I still think its abusive to Afrikans and stereotype of ouselves. Just like the Afrikan americans continue to refer to themselves as niggas we're giving more ideas to the enemy who is happy to see us i misery. Mwanaafrika. Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: Eja on March 11, 2006, 11:56:20 AM Well, if a person just read the section you took out, then they might have a mis-understanding (like you have). Are you familiar with the the story of three blind men and thier first encounter with an elephant?
What you have done is called "quoting out of context". People usually do that when they have an ulterior motive. Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: natural blacks on March 12, 2006, 08:52:31 AM What you have done is called "quoting out of context". People usually do that when they have an ulterior motive. ...or when they are confused or at odds with a misiverstanding. tolerance man...tolerance. i rate the poem because it tells exactly how the neo-colonial white man thinks, and it is good for us as blacks in this modern time to know this, and not be fooled at any time that the whiteman's perspective of us (blacks) has changed. Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: Eja on March 12, 2006, 01:12:06 PM [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Good word brother. Give thanks. Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: Yesayah on April 23, 2006, 03:59:42 PM I love this poem.
I think what is so great about being a writer/poet is that the writer or poet is equipped to deliver a message without actually revealing his or her true feeling. A writer/poet is like an actor acting the part to deliver a message. The true identity of the writer/poet is at rest and makes room for the new character to come alive. I see all that that in Eja's poem. I think it shows another perspective. Many people, white and BLACK do feel the way the poet decribed. I've heard black people talk this way about Africa. I've been called "African booty scratching" by black some people when they find out that I am Haitian. When I told some people that I was going to Africa few years ago, they were shocked and asked me "Why are you going there? You know these people have AIDS." See the ignorance? It is true that it would be "nice" for a writer/poet to deliver a message that will please everyone... but that is not the duty of a true writer/poet. That writer/poet must deliver what the inner-spirit called for. Sometimes he or she have to go deeper or even "walk on fire" to do the work of Maker. Jah guide always! Good job! Fania Simon Title: Re: Africa without Africans? Ahhh.... Post by: melaninmagic on April 24, 2006, 01:01:03 AM Albeit a fairly abrasive poem, Iam quite certian that ANY white person who is not already a confessed racist/bigot will, after reading this, be griped with embarasment.
Deep down these persons know of the disease they carry with them, and this poem aids then in seeing how truly sick as a people they are. It offers them a bitter taste of their own worst case senario. Two thumbs up. |