Title: Once HURT and UNWISE Post by: Alyse on July 01, 2008, 09:07:43 PM (Stages of a growing abused child) [/b]Lips sealed not being able to generate utterances That vacant feeling within, the bitterness of a memory Engraved in your being, stolen away was your virginity Eyes shut unable to see beyond the immeasurable distances * * * * Trapped in an enclosed being Revulsion, animosity, revulsion, animosity -libretto to the mind Insanity protrudes, developing a sign Combating and growing, giving life novel meaning * * * * Delusions of being the victim Society contributed to this in-depth shame Drowning in the quintessence of innocence within Tears contributed to the loneliness again and again * * * * Stimulated with rage, yearning to reach a forgiving stage Searching for knowledge and seeking compassion Madly in need of a defined assertion Deep thoughts- rummaging wisdom page by page * * * * Prepared to accept bitterness Walking that path of outlandish solitude where darkness prevails Striving while unconcealed memory engulfs the bitter details Time passes by and comprehension fills the furnace * * * * Intellectuality overwhelms that once empty space This is neither the end nor the beginning Just a convulsion of emotions rotating Neither without reason nor inert intent since everything emerges to be Universe sent. -Alyse- |