Title: I have questions and no answers... Post by: imjustsam on March 13, 2011, 02:20:09 AM Hi Everyone
This is my first post and just wanted some general insite into rastafari. Im 20 years old, born and raised in New Zealand, both my parents are English but over the last few years I have concidered myself a citizen of the earth. My research into rastafari has led me to picking up a bible for the first time, talking to lots of people with dreads although for most of them it is just a hairstyle and seeking to learn lots from rastafari on the net. I have only just started my own dreads dispite not yet having commited to rastafari (as i still have so many questions) is for me my journey/story of change. Anyway the first thing I have to ask is I read an old forum on this website on white rastas. It had a variety of interesting views but what struck me was the feeling of "the spawn of a dog is a dog" now I certainly am not calling my parents dogs but certainly their ancesters where. My question is this a feeling shared by all rasta and am i being rejected because of hundreds of years of bastards that where before me. If so maybe this is not the belief system im looking for? After all im just Sam. |