By Dr. Kiatezua Lubanzadio Luyaluka
Witchcraft is one of the beliefs man has to face daily in Africa; to know how to fight efficiently this plague is thus a pressing need there. In the research of the ways and means to fight efficiently this plague, one of the great difficulties is the bad idea that people entertain of this concept. Witchcraft is primarily a malefic practice, thus it should not be confused with the spiritual traditions of Africa which were intended primarily for good purposes.
In my book entitled “Vaincre la sorcellerie en Afrique”, I show the difference which exists between the African spiritual practices and witchcraft. Africa had official setting for teaching Spirituality, and the aim of teaching spirituality was the development of the metaphysical faculties of being. While witchcraft has always been a practice condemned by society and its goal has always been primarily to harm. Witchcraft is an erroneous use of spirituality and metaphysical potential. This comprehension is essential, for those who work to fight witchcraft through prayer, because due to the lack of it, they rather work to destroy the good and the evil in the African cultures.
During one of my trip in my career of lecturer, I went to Haiti in the city of Désarmes to publicly speak about nothingness of witchcraft. More than two hundred people had come to listen to me on the manner of efficiently fighting witchcraft by the prayer. I know by experience that when one speaks publicly against this dark practice, one exposes himself to the attacks coming on behalf of those which cling to it.
Everything went very well, but after the lecture, I started to feel pains in my belly. I was to be next day on my way back to Boston via Miami, Florida. While I was at the airport of Miami, the bellyache had been accentuated; I was victim of an attack by witchcraft. The mental atmosphere in Haiti is very similar to that which one feels in African milieus; witchcraft is also confused there with spirituality in the voodoo. I thus had an opportunity to prove that the ideas that I had shared with my Haitian brothers were practical and efficient in the fight against witchcraft.
My first stage was to become aware of my purity as a child of God. The purification always has been the prelude to any efficient prayer in the highest African spirituality. Our ancestors practiced sometimes ritual ablutions before their prayers, because water in Africa always has been the symbol of purity. Although getting inspiration from their approach, I do not spouse a ritual vision of spirituality. I always understand the purification as an assertion of one’s purity in the present, the past and the future, by starting from the basis that man is now the image and likeness of God and that sin never had the power to one any good. This understanding has always enabled me to see more clearly that sin does not have the power to separate me from God, because the power of the sin and its influence on the man lies only in the belief that it has a real power to good.
To affirm our purity of children of God is also a way of affirming the presence of Christ (the divine Verb) in us. Divine science shows us that the divine Verb is the perfect presence of God in the man and around man (See my article on Christ in this blog). In Bantu devotional practice, this double nature of the Verb is essential to prayer, because God in heaven answers our prayers through the Father which is the heavens via the Verb, the Christ.
The biblical book of the Revelation (in chapter 19) shows us that Christ is the commander of the armies of heavens; he thus leads all the army of the saints. It is through this army of the saints that God answers our prayers and it is through it that our ancestors addressed their prayers to God the Almighty. Because they knew that a commander does not fight himself but he uses his troops. And to help me the commander, the divine Verb, could only use the troops which are closest to me and which know my problem better, i.e. my saint-ancestors.
The efficient prayer thus requires of man that he realizes his purity to approach the Christ, but to approach Christ is to approach his army of saints; thus prayer implies the fact of approaching the saint-ancestors by the way of the purification of thought. I also knew that nothing can resist the army of Christ, the army of the saints.
After having affirmed my purity and having realized the presence of the army of saints around me, I exposed to the court of heavens, to the court of the saints, my desire to see itself released of this alleged influence of witchcraft on my being. Bantus always perceived prayer to be like the fact of pleading one’s cause in front of the celestial judges; in several Bantus languages the same word is used to say “to pray” and to say “to in front in the court”. The Bible shows us the same vision of the prayer when Christ enjoins: “Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 1: 18 the New Oxford Annotated Bible)
<p Having exposed my case to the celestial court of Christ, i.e., having made my petition to “the spirits of just men made perfect” (Heb. 12:23), the saint-ancestors, I started to argue against the belief in witchcraft as I had taught it to the crowd that came to listen to me in Désarmes. My argumentation consisted in affirming the nothingness of witchcraft.
The force of witchcraft is first of all the belief in the spirits. The witch claims to act as a spirit or he claims to be controlled by spirits. But, the only true spirit is God, and I know that He alone controls me and controls everyone including those who seem to attack me. Only the spirit of Truth and divine Love controls man, thus nobody does have the real ability to harm his neighbor. With this understanding, next I realized the fact that God is the real source of very true thought. The Bible says: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Phil. 2: 13) Thus, I could be neither transmitter nor receiver of the aggressive suggestions. I affirmed that this was known in all the city of Désarmes, because God knows it in each one of us, that the evil which one does to others reacts violently against himself and that nobody could attack me, because witchcraft carries the witch surely to death right now; hence the witches have no other alternatives but to give up. This realization was the activity of the divine grace in me working for the salvation of those who let the evil govern them. It was thus first of all an act of love. The efficient prayer does not consist in attacking the witch, but witchcraft; however witchcraft will be overcome only insofar as we help the witches to leave the dark practice and the means of doing it is to ask the Father to show them the consequence of their action: death.
With this conviction of the nothingness of witchcraft, I maintained in my conscience, during all this night that the airport of Miami, that the suggestion of bellyache (because whatever its nature, evil is always a suggestion, it is never presence nor a belief in us) did not have any influence on me, nor on anyone, because God has all power and He is all-presence; all that exists really manifest His power and His presence. I also realized that this suggestion could not even actually exist, because God is the only Mind.
The rays of the sun announcing a new day through the large glass-windows of the airport, brought me the joy of realizing that day that my lecture on the nothingness of witchcraft at Désarmes was practical, because I was completely healed of this bellyache of carrying out this day there as my conference on nothing of witchcraft with Désarmes was practical, because I was completely cured of this evil of belly which claimed to overmaster me.
The prayer that realizes the purity of man and the unity of the man with Christ, i.e., with its army of the saints, is an efficient asset to overcome witchcraft, insofar as it enables us to realize that God is the only Spirit which controls us and which thinks in us and that nobody can practice witchcraft without punishment.
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